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GitHub Actions

Actions are the mechanism used to provide workflow automation within the GitHub environment. They are executed on runners either GitHub or self-hosted.

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Workflows are written in YAML and live within a GitHub repository at the place .github/workflows.

# .github/workflows/build.yml
name: Node Build.

on: [push]


        runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

            node-version: [12.x]
            os: [windows-latest]


    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Run node.js on latest Windows.
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}

    - name: Install NPM and build.
      run: |
        npm ci
        npm run build


  • Name: is the name of the workflow. It's optional but is highly recommended. It appears in several places within the GitHub UI.
  • On: is the event or list of events that will trigger the workflow.
  • Jobs: is the list of jobs to be executed. Workflows can contain one or more jobs.
  • Runs-on: tells Actions which runner to use.
  • Steps: It's the list of steps for the job. Steps within a job execute on the same runner.
  • Uses: tells Actions, which predefined action needs to be retrieved. For example, you might have an action that installs node.js.
  • Run: tells the job to execute a command on the runner. For example, you might execute an NPM command.


Events may be triggered by:

  • Scheduled events (using cron schedule).
  • Code events.
  • Manual events.
  • Webhook events.
  • External events.


Workflows contain one or more jobs. A job is a set of steps that will be run in order on a runner. Steps within a job execute on the same runner and share the same filesystem. The logs produced by jobs are searchable, and artifacts produced can be saved.

By default, if a workflow contains multiple jobs, they run in parallel.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - run: ./

      - run: ./

Defining dependencies between jobs using needs keyword:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - run: ./
    needs: startup

      - run: ./


When you execute jobs, the steps execute on a Runner. The steps can be the execution of a shell script or the execution of a predefined Action. GitHub provides several hosted runners to avoid you needing to spin up your infrastructure to run actions. Now, the maximum duration of a job is 6 hours, and for a workflow is 72 hours. GitHub provides only Linux-based containers.

If this doesn't meet your requirements, you may use a self-hosted agent.

Self-hosted runners can be added at different levels within an enterprise: Organizational-level (multiple repositories in an organization), Enterprise-level (multiple organizations across an enterprise), Repository-level (single repository).