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Exploring Azure Pipelines


  • Language: nearly every major language, like Python, Go, Java, PHP, C#, etc.
  • Version control systems: GitHub, GitLab, Azure Repos, Bitbucket, Subversion.
  • Deployment targets: Container registries, VMs, any on-premises or public cloud like Azure, AWS or GCP.
  • Package formats: NuGet, npm, Maven are built-in, you may also use any other package management repository of choice.

CI/CD in projects

Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Delivery (CD)
Increase code coverage. Automatically deploy code to production.
Build faster by splitting test and build runs. Ensure deployment targets have the latest code.
Automatically ensure you don't ship broken code. Ensure deployment targets have the latest code.
Run test continually. -

Azure Pipelines key terms

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  • Agent: installable software that runs a build or deployment job.
  • Artifact: collection of files or packages published by a build. Artifacts are made available for the tasks, such as distribution or deployment.
  • Build: one execution of a pipeline. It collects logs associated with running the steps anf the test results.
  • Deployment target: VM, container, web app, or any service used to host the developed application.
  • Job: a build contains one or more jobs. Most jobs run on an agent. A job represents an execution boundary of a set of steps.
  • Stage: the primary division in pipeline: "build the app", "run integration tests" and "deploy to user acceptance testing" are good examples of stages.
  • Task: a building block of a pipeline.Each task runs a specific job in the pipeline.
  • Trigger: tells the pipeline when to run.