Failed builds percentage: Overall, what percentage of builds are failing?
Failed deployments percentage: Overall, what percentage of deployments are failing?
Ticket volume: What is the overall volume of customer or bug tickets?
Bug bounce percentage: What percentage of customer or bug tickets are reopened?
Unplanned work percentage: What percentage of the overall work is unplanned?
Technical debt sources
Lack of coding style and standards.
Lack of or poor design of unit test cases.
Ignoring or not understanding object oriented design principles.
Monolithic classes and code libraries.
Poorly envisioned the use of technology, architecture, and approach. (Forgetting that all system attributes, affecting maintenance, user experience, scalability, and others, need to be considered).
Over-engineering code (adding or creating code that isn't required, adding custom code when existing libraries are sufficient, or creating layers or components that aren't needed).
Insufficient comments and documentation.
Not writing self-documenting code (including class, method, and variable names that are descriptive or indicate intent).