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Identifying technical debt

Five traits to measure quality of code

  1. Reliability.
  2. Maintainabilty.
  3. Testability.
  4. Portability.
  5. Reusability.
  • Failed builds percentage: Overall, what percentage of builds are failing?
  • Failed deployments percentage: Overall, what percentage of deployments are failing?
  • Ticket volume: What is the overall volume of customer or bug tickets?
  • Bug bounce percentage: What percentage of customer or bug tickets are reopened?
  • Unplanned work percentage: What percentage of the overall work is unplanned?

Technical debt sources

  • Lack of coding style and standards.
  • Lack of or poor design of unit test cases.
  • Ignoring or not understanding object oriented design principles.
  • Monolithic classes and code libraries.
  • Poorly envisioned the use of technology, architecture, and approach. (Forgetting that all system attributes, affecting maintenance, user experience, scalability, and others, need to be considered).
  • Over-engineering code (adding or creating code that isn't required, adding custom code when existing libraries are sufficient, or creating layers or components that aren't needed).
  • Insufficient comments and documentation.
  • Not writing self-documenting code (including class, method, and variable names that are descriptive or indicate intent).
  • Taking shortcuts to meet deadlines.
  • Leaving dead code in place.

Quality tools

  • NDepend.
  • Visual Studio marketplace (with keyword Quality).
  • Resharper Code Quality Analysis.