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Introduction to DevOps

Shortening cycle time

  • Working in smaller batches,
  • Using more automation,
  • Hardening release pipeline,
  • Improving telemetry,
  • Deploying more frequently.

Validated learning - Data gathered during cycle of the project which is factual and actional. The more often you deploy, the more opportunities arise to gather validated data.

Exploring DevOps

The goal is to shorten the cycle time, to deploy the new code as fast as possible.

Some DevOps concepts

  1. Continuous Integration drives the ongoing merging and testing of code, leading to an earl finding of defects. Other benefits include less time wasted fighting merge issues and rapid feedback for developers.
  2. Continuous Delivery to production and testing environments enables organizations quickly fix bugs.
  3. Verison Control enables team to efficiently work on projects.
  4. Agile planning is used for project management:
  5. Planning and isolating work into sprints
  6. Managing team capacity and help teams to adapt quickly
  7. Monitoring and Logging to quickly find problems and collect data needed for feedback.
  8. Public and Hybrid clouds.
  9. Infrastructure as Code makes automation of configuring environments easy.
  10. Microservices are used to isolate small use cases into reusable, independent units.
  11. Containers are much more lightweight than virtual machines.